The Creation of the World or Globalization
JeanLuc Nancy
Not Available
Before the Voice of Reason
David Michael KleinbergLevin
The Obsessions of Georges Bataille
Andrew J Mitchell and 1 more
Georges Bataille
JuanDavid Nasio
The Intercorporeal Self
Scott L Marratto
The Heidegger Change
Catherine Malabou
Jean-Luc Nancy and Plural Thinking
Peter Gratton and 1 more
A Psychoanalyst on the Couch
JuanDavid Nasio and 2 more
Derrida and Joyce
Andrew J Mitchell and 2 more
Gaston Bachelard
Roch Charles Smith
Germs of Death
Mauro Senatore
Adventures in Phenomenology
Eileen RizoPatron and 2 more
Atomistic Intuitions
Psychoanalysis and Repetition
Bergson and History
Leon ter Schure
The Movement of Showing
Johan de Jong
Thinking Difference With Heidegger and Levinas
Rozemund Uljée
Édouard Glissant, Philosopher
Alexandre Leupin and 1 more
Alexandre Leupin
A Politics of Emancipation
Miguel Abensour